Borderlands 3 Compressing Trevonator weapon

Borderlands 3 ‘Compressing Trevonator’ weapon dedicated to fan suffering terminal illness

A longtime fan of the Borderlands franchise is suffering from a terminal illness, but Gearbox Software has stepped in to make his day. Not only did Gearbox invite 26-year-old Trevor Eastman to play its newest game before its release — the devs added in the Borderlands 3 ‘Compressing Trevonator’ weapon in dedication to him. What’s more, Mr. Eastman had the opportunity to get involved with the design of this very special gun.

As reports, Trevor Eastman posted on the /r/Borderlands subreddit that he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. He doubted that he would survive up until the release of Borderlands 3 and he had asked the Reddit Borderlands community to see if he could get in touch with Gearbox to let him see the game prior to his release. Not only did Gearbox step up,  the devs also let him have a hand in designing the Borderlands 3 ‘Compressing Trevonator’ weapon!

Here are the stats of the Compressing Trevonator:

Borderlands 3 'Compressing Trevonator' weapon

  • Name: Compressing Trevonator
  • Manufacturer: Maliwan
  • Item Score: 358
  • Level Required: 28
  • Quality: Legendary
  • Price: $1,497
  • Effect: 267% Cryo Efficiency
  • Damage: 60×3
  • Accuracy: 67%
  • Handling: 69%
  • Reload Time: 2.0s
  • Fire Rate: 6.30/s
  • Magazine Size: 11
  • Description
    • Trev is gunna get you!
    • +28% Weapon Charge Speed
    • +75 Splash Damage Radius
      • Can switch between Cryo and Fire element.

This isn’t the first time that Gearbox Software has included a tribute to a fan in-game. Borderlands 2 included an NPC named Michael Mamaril. Mamaril’s friend Carlo had asked if Gearbox would include a short eulogy to him in the game, as Michael was a massive fan of the Borderlands franchise. Now, Gearbox has done it once again with its tribute to Trevor Eastman.

You’ll be able see the Borderlands 3 ‘Compressing Trevonator’ weapon for yourself when the game comes out later this year. In the meantime, you can look forward to Gearbox Software showing off more of the game at E3 2019.

[Images credit: Trevor Eastman on Reddit]

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