MGS: Peace Walker Rumored To Be Remastered for PS3

The PSP is huge… in Japan. Here in the States? Not so much. So there's a very strong likelihood that even the biggest Metal Gear fans missed out on Hideo Kojima's latest entry, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

I myself bought it, and could barely play an hour in due to the PSP's tiny screen and unorthodox control scheme. A game of that scale just didn't work for me on a portable.

Konami has heard our cries, and is rumored to be bringing Peace Walker to the PlayStation 3. If this were a week ago, we'd probably laugh at the idea. But after the unveiling of the "PSP Remaster" series of titles–the first of which will be Capcom's Monster Hunter Portable 3rd–we're willing to bet that this will be one of Konami's major announcements they're prepping for E3.

Remember, Konami will be making some major announcements even before E3 on June 2nd, and we'll be reporting the news live as it happens. We also have time booked with Konami to check out new titles at the big event, and will be attending an exclusive Konami VIP event afterward.

This means two things: We're awesome, and we'll have more information for you in two weeks time.


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