Xbox One To Have 15 Exclusive Games In Its First Year

During yesterday's Xbox Reveal, Microsoft announced that a whopping fifteen exclusive titles will launch for its next-gen console within Xbox One's first year. Coming from Microsoft, that's awfully impressive.

We already know that Forza Motorsport 5 will be ready to go at launch, and I'd assume that Remedy Entertainment's Quantum Break will be out within the first twelve months, but the rest of this exclusive software (for the most part) remains a mystery.

Earlier today, Crytek revealed that their Kinect title Ryse will be an Xbox One-exclusive and will be shown off at E3, so there's another one that will likely launch within that one year timeframe, and a Rare-related tease has us hoping and praying that a new Killer Instinct isn't far off from release as well. Oh yeah, and Black Tusk Studios' first project will allegedly make its debut next month, too.

What Xbox One-exclusive content do you hope Microsoft has in the works? More Gears of War? More Halo? More Fable? I'd say those are all safe bets, though, maybe not all within the console's first year.

Do think Microsoft and its mysterious exclusive games lineup have what it takes to give Sony and the PS4 a run for their money? Let us know in the comments below.

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