hori daemon x machina joy con controller nintendo switch

Gamepad-style Daemon X Machina Joy-Con coming from Hori

While the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Con controllers are adequate for portable play, some may prefer the shape of a more traditional gamepad for certain games like the upcoming Daemon X Machina. For these players, Hori is releasing a Daemon X Machina Joy-Con controller that mimics the shape of a regular gamepad.

The Daemon X Machina Joy-Con looks just like a regular gamepad that’s been split down the middle. It even features a traditional directional pad (unlike the button directional pad on the regular Joy-Con) as well as an asymmetrical analog stick layout similar to the Pro Controller. Unlike traditional gamepads, however, Hori’s new offering docks with the Nintendo Switch in portable mode.

In addition to gamepad ergonomics, Hori’s new Joy-Con also brings another feature that regular Joy-Con controllers don’t have: A large button on the back along its grips. This seems to be similar to the extra buttons found in controllers targeted at professional players, such as the Xbox Elite Controller or Hori’s own HoriPad Pro.

The Daemon X Machina Joy-Con features an extra button at the back

Of course, the combination of the Daemon X Machina Joy-Con with the Switch results in a rather wide looking handheld. While no measurements were released, each individual side of the peripheral looks to be around twice as wide as the regular Joy-Con.

The overall design of these Joy-Con means that players can’t combine them with a Joy-Con Grip and use them for docked play. A bigger con, however, is the fact that these Daemon X Machina Joy-Con will not support features such as HD rumble and gyroscopic controls. That said, players looking for the ergonomics of a gamepad while playing on the go may probably still want to look into this.

Hori will start selling the Daemon X Machine Joy-Con in Japan in September for ¥4,780, or $136 at current conversion rates. The company has not yet stated whether or not it is bringing them over to the US or other countries outside Japan.

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