Xbox One Breaks 24-Years Of Pre-Order Records At Blockbuster

Xbox One has been a target of hate for many gamers, but apparently that isn't enough to keep it from achieving its goal of living room dominance.

Blockbuster UK's James Morton has told MCVUK that the Xbox One has broken all pre-order records in Blockbuster's 24-year history. No specific numbers were given. He added:

We are delighted by the huge number of pre orders that we have received so far for the new Microsoft console.

Based upon the Xbox One's first conference, it appears Microsoft is aiming for new demographics with the Xbox One. Instead of targeting core gamers with exemplary online features and exciting exclusives, it has used its extensive knowledge of technology to enrich the living room experience. Things like using voice commands to interact with the console's entire suite and providing an unrivaled NFL fantasy football experience have made it competitive in more than just the console market.

The big questions that remain are how much it'll cost and if it offers enough to sell long-term. These record Blockbuster sales are one thing, but keeping a console selling beyond the initial holiday rush is what'll prove a challenge—as Nintendo has learned with the Wii U.

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