Microsoft Knows You Don’t Want To Hear About Xbox One’s TV Features Anymore

Despite Xbox One's new TV features, gamers everywhere hoped to hear more about the next-gen consoles software lineup during May's HASHTAGXboxReveal, but silly gamers! That's what E3 is for.

One Twitter user gave Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb a shout out and got confirmation from the man himself that TVs would be used for video games on-stage at E3.

@javsjavsjavs I can confirm that we will have TV's (or similar)on stage to show the games.That should be the extend of TV talk in your #E3

— Larry Hryb (@majornelson) May 31, 2013

It seems natural for Microsoft to take the opposite approach from Sony to unveil their next-generation hardware, but the gaming community's honesty should not be taken lightly. We don't shell out hundreds of dollars to change the channel. We pay early-adoption mark ups for games!

Give us some damn games!

GameRevolution will be live at Microsoft's E3 Press conference on June 10th, so keep an eye out for our liveblog post next week.

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