Call of Duty Modern Warfare Preview 1 Disney Activision buyout

Disney Activision buyout could be in the works according to a recent interview

If you’ve been keeping up with recent news, you know that Disney has recently acquired Fox in one of the biggest acquisitions in recent memory. However, according to one industry investor, Disney should have its eye on Activision should it want to make another acquisition. The Disney Activision buyout talks are something that would likely be a bit of a ways away but is nonetheless an interesting thought, especially considering Disney history in the video gaming industry.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Nick Licouris stated that he thinks a Disney Activision buyout would be a perfect fit for Disney. Licouris works for Gerber Kawasaki Inc., the company who handled the Disney Fox merger. In the interview, Licouris stated that “Ideally for an investor you want this to happen now.” While it may seem like a strange merger at first, Licouris says that it would make perfect sense due to Activision’s declining stock prices and Disney’s existing TV infrastructure.

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Licouris said he believed that Disney has the perfect setup to support Activision’s base, especially when it comes to esports. Disney already televises the Overwatch League, which has grown tremendously in the past few years. So it doesn’t seem to be a far fetch to say that Disney is interested in expanding its coverage of esports.

However, on the flip side, Disney doesn’t have the best history when it comes to game development. The Disney Infinity platform from a few years back should be a good reminder of Disney’s struggle in the gaming industry. If you’ve never heard of Disney Infinity, that should also be an indicator that Disney hasn’t made quite the same impression as it has in other mediums.

Despite all of that, Licouris said that he believed that with Disney’s platform and Activision’s player base, something special could happen. However, a Disney Activision buyout wouldn’t be cheap, as Activision’s market value is around $37 billion according to Bloomberg. While there are no confirmed talks of a buyout from either company, this is definitely worth keeping your eye on.

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