Sims 4 community

Sims 4 customizable stairs are causing quite a ruckus

The Sims 4 community is buzzing over its upcoming update. To celebrate the game’s fifth anniversary, Electronic Arts is going to release a free content expansion, revealing its plans during the Maxis Monthly Livestream. The update includes some new items, as well as Muslim-inspired clothing items. The hijab and kufi are being added as new headwear, extending The Sims 4 multicultural reach. But this isn’t what many players are freaking over; it’s The Sims 4 customizable stairs part of the update that has ended up garnering the most traction.

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Customizable stairs will allow you to add some intricate passageways to your Sims’ houses. You can configure the stairs in four different directions and spice it up with several variations. Overlapping stairs are an option, perfect for the M.C. Escher inside you, but you can also use L-shaped stairs, U-shaped stairs and many other styles.

This is obviously going to mean chaos for some The Sims 4 players, but as every other feature that finds its way into the game, it will surely be used by some skilled creators to deliver amazing architectural works. The Sims 4 community is already showing its appreciation for this addition, with some fans such as YouTuber Lilsimsie even crying about it, as spotted by Kotaku. Admittedly, she said that she “cries too much” and is a “Sims freak,” something that could justify her reaction.

The introduction of Muslim-inspired content follows on Maxis’ intention of making The Sims 4 a more inclusive game. Recently, an update tweaked character customization to allow for a non-binary gender system.

The free anniversary update will be released on September 5, 2019. The next paid expansion is The Sims 4: Realm of Magic, which will let you live your dreams of witches and the supernatural. The release is planned for September 10 on PC and Mac, with the console versions dropping on October 15, 2019.

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