Capcom Showing Off Five Titles At Comic-Con 2013

As one of the mainstay supporters of Comic-Con, Capcom will be bringing various game builds (many of which were shown at E3), hosting several panels, and giving away plenty of prizes to its fans for Comic-Con 2013.

This year, almost the entire video game presence has been designated on the rightmost area of the expo floor. There, the Capcom booth will showcase a new build for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, DuckTales: Remastered, Lost Planet 3, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. As always, their Capcom Store will offer special and limited edition items at a discounted price (I got a wickedly awesome Okami art book), and various producers and artists will be signing your merch throughout the show.

Capcom will be hosting three panels, including The World of Capcom which will feature a panel of Capcom producers and product managers discussing Dead Rising 3 as well as its full lineup of titles. (Microsoft will be handling the panel for Dead Rising 3.) The annual Street Fighter panel will bring the first-ever "Mr. & Mrs. Street Fighter" pageant, giving away prizes to the best cosplayers and perhaps a special congratulations from Yoshinoro Ono himself. With any luck, they'll also reveal some footage from Ultra Street Fighter IV. *cross fingers*

Finally, the team behind DuckTales: Remastered will reveal some behind-the-scenes details of how it updated the NES classic. It will release on PSN, Steam, and Wii U on August 13 and XBLA on September 11.

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