Overcooked 2 update adds free new holiday-themed kitchens and skins

Overcooked 2 update adds free new holiday-themed kitchens and skins

As has been the case in other years, the new Overcooked 2 update brings in a load of free holiday cheer. It adds in two new skins, five recipes, and a couple unique kitchens all with holiday-themed twists. This 1.10 update, dubbed Winter Wonderland, is now available for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.

The two new chef skins are Reindeer Chef and Present Head Chef and are exactly what they sound like. These can be played on any level even the five new basic stages and two new Horde ones. Winter Wonderland also puts five new recipes in the cookbook: hot chocolate, pancakes, roast dinners, Christmas puddings, and mince pies. Mince pies, for those who don’t know, are filled with spices and fruit and are usually served during the holiday season.

ALSO: Overcooked 2 Review – Cooking With Gas

The Overcooked games are no stranger to free DLC or even holiday-themed DLC. Ghost Town Games also put out a patch for the last holiday season called Kevin’s Christmas Cracker that also added a slew of free kitchens, skins, and recipes. The original game also got its own free holiday DLC — The Festive Seasoning — in December 2016. Overcooked 2, however, went the extra step and had its own free DLC drop based around the Chinese New Year, adding the usual bits of content as well as a Survival Mode.

Overcooked 2 update adds free new holiday-themed kitchens and skins

Ghost Town Games has been supported Overcooked 2 by having both paid and free content drops since its launch in August 2018. These updates have ranged from a New Game Plus mode that add a deviously hard fourth star to each level to premium themed DLC based around other seasons. That Surf N Turf add-on was sold piecemeal before the season pass dropped, which added three more DLC packs in the following months. The three were based around camping, zombified food, and a carnival, respectively. Each has taken the core of Overcooked 2 and turned it on its head while still remaining faithful to its mechanics.

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