Wii U Price Drop; Deluxe And Wind Waker HD Bundle Now Priced At $299

Along with today's news about the 2DS, Nintendo has also revealed a $50 price cut across the board on the Wii U. The Wii U 32GB Deluxe system is now $299, as is the upcoming Wii U Wind Waker HD bundle that releases on September 20th.

Oddly enough, the Wii U Basic system will still be available for $299 as well. Nintendo still has not explicity said the option is discontinued, but considering this lack of a price drop it appears more than ever that Nitnendo won't be resupplying it once stock runs out.

Given that the Wii U faces fierce competition this holiday season with the PS4 and Xbox One, and the fact that the Wii U has been struggling at retail, it was only a matter of time before Nintendo dropped the price of the GamePad-centric home console.


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