smash ultimate dlc characters

Next Smash Ultimate DLC characters will be the game’s last, Sakurai confirms

The next batch of Smash Ultimate DLC characters will also be the game’s last, series creator Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed. This indicates that his studio Sora Ltd. is wrapping up its time with the game, with this next wave of DLC offering up the team’s final new additions.

Sakurai’s comments were made in his latest Famitsu column, with the developer revealing that the Smash Ultimate Fighters Pass 2 will contain the game’s final six characters.

“We announced that we will make six more [fighters], but the breakdown of the six has been decided and we do not plan to make any more,” Sakurai said.

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The characters included in the Fighters Pass have yet to be revealed, though considering it’s now set to be the final batch, player expectations will inevitably be high. Interestingly, Sakurai noted that Nintendo decided on its batch of fighters, with Sakurai not participating in this decision.

smash ultimate fighters pass 2

“I’m not deciding what characters will participate,” he said. He also added that he “can’t do any other work” while developing Smash Bros. games, though he’s never been motivated by his “own desire to make a new work and to direct it,” as he is content with working “to make other people happy.”

Additionally, Sakurai noted that he wasn’t certain if a new Smash Bros. game will appear in the future. “I can’t say that there is no possibility that the Smash Bros. series will continue,” he said. “I and the people in charge of Nintendo have no idea what the future will be.”

There are plenty of characters fans have asked to appear in Smash Ultimate‘s extensive roster, from Doomguy through to Devil May Cry‘s Dante. With Nintendo seemingly in full control over which characters will be included in its Fighters Pass 2, it remains to be seen if the company will lean on third-party studios, or will instead want to mine its own archives for the DLC.

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