Guerrilla Games Working On “Something Completely Different To Killzone”

Guerrilla Games is responsible for bringing not one but two Killzone games to PlayStation platforms this year. First it was Killzone: Mercenary on PlayStation Vita and then Killzone: Shadow Fall, which will be launching alongside PlayStation 4. Fortunatley, it looks like the studio is all Killzone'd out at this point, as the team's next project will be something outside of the sci-fi shooter franchise.

Speaking to Eurogamer, lead designer Eric Boltjes explained, "As a studio we do want to branch out and we have started work on a new IP, something completely different to Killzone. I don't want to say anything about it right now, but as a studio we do want to keep it fresh."

What are you hoping Guerrilla Games' next project is? Another first-person shooter? An action-adventure? An RPG? Sound off in the comments below and let us know.

[Eurogamer, via IGN]

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