NBA Live 14 Aims To Out-Dribble NBA 2K14

The NBA Live series has taken a beating during its absence and fans, who were already clinging to any hope of a reboot, were less than thrilled when NBA Live 13 was canceled. But finally, it seems that this year will finally be the one where NBA 2K has someone on the court to play against.

Of course, this means a lot of trash talk, or in this case, claims that one experience is more "authentic" or "realistic" than the other. On the official website, Gameplay Designer Scott O'Gallagher for NBA Live 14 promises three tiers of dribbling based on their new physics system named bounceTek, which takes the dribbler's momentum and ball-handling skills into account when he's attempting to fake out the defender.

Level 1 moves (in the video above) consist of basic crossovers and hesitations controlled by the right stick. Level 2 moves (below) work off Level 1 moves by chaining movements together and are meant to set up opportunities where the defender is out of position, giving the dribbler more room to maneuver and have space for a clear shot. Level 3 moves (also below) require you to hold down a modifier button but, if well-timed, will pull off a signature dribble that can leave the defender scrambling.

Defenders aren't completely, well, defenseless. The AI will adjust its strategy depending on the dribbler's tendencies, moving back against Rajon Rondo and crowding around Steve Nash.

NBA Live 14 will release within the launch window of both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on November 19, 2013.

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