Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass grind screws over players Reddit Wraith

Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass ‘screws over players,’ fans say

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

The Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass has some serious problems according to some players. Calculations made by one person show that players would have to complete a vast majority of the challenges if they hope to progress to the coveted Level 110.

As with most free-to-play Battle Royale games, Apex Legends features an optional seasonal Battle Pass. Battle Passes tend to allow players to unlock special cosmetics as they progress through multiple levels alongside some free rewards. The progression of the Season 7 Battle Pass, however, appears to be much more difficult than usual.

Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass is seriously grindy

Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass grind screws over players Reddit Level 100

The last few weeks have been exciting for Apex Legends. The recent “Fight or Right” Halloween event debuted Titanfall-style wallrunning in the game. A leak of the new Season 7 map promised some interesting changes for veterans and the Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass debuted as part of the most recent patch shortly afterward. Unfortunately, some players have discovered that the numbers don’t quite add up.

Calculations made by one Redditor showed a stark difference in the amount of grinding a player needed to do to advance a single tier. Previously, he estimated that it would take 2 hours of peak performance (getting some kills and winning games) to earn a single Battle Pass level. Now, this Redditor estimates that it will take 8 or more hours to earn a single tier.

These issues were echoed by another Redditor who did his own calculations on what players can look forward to. A total of 10 stars are needed to earn a Battle Pass levels, which means that playing every day of the Battle Pass will award players with a total of 70.4 Battle Pass levels. The Weekly Challenges, on the other hand, will grant a total of 55.6 Battle Pass levels. That comes to a total of 126 levels that can be earned if players complete every single daily challenge and weekly challenge. The maximum level is 110, so this means that players can only miss a handful of daily and/or weekly challenges if they want to max out the Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass.

Another report by a different Redditor indicates that the challenges are much tougher this time around, too. One of the more egregious conclusions is that players can effectively earn 1 Battle Pass level through earning XP whereas the previous season would have awarded players with 4 levels.

Many of the players in these Reddit discussions are upset at the state of the Apex Legends Season 7 Battle Pass, encouraging other players not to buy it and pledging to avoid purchasing it themselves in the hopes that Respawn Entertainment and EA will roll back the severity of the changes.

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