Wii U Fails To Break 500,000 In Worldwide Sales Over Six Months

Nintendo has revealed the six-month sales numbers for Wii U, confirming that the struggling HD console only sold 460,000 worldwide for the period ending September 30th. The company told investors that "the Wii U hardware still has a negative impact on Nintendo's profits."

That said, it's not all bad news, as this past quarter was an improvement compared to the one prior. When breaking up the six-month period, the first quarter saw approximately 160,000 in sales versus this past quarter's 300,000. Hey, at least there's improvement, right?

The Big N hopes to turn things around and isn't changing its 9 million unit goal by the end of fiscal 2014, despite the fact that current lifetime sales are still under 4 million. The company plans to turn things around by "proactively releasing key first-party titles towards the coming year in order to regain momentum for the platform."

Fortunately Nintendo's handheld line is a very different story, with 3DS hardware and software sales reaching 3.89 million and 27.38 million units, respectively, during the period. 

Do you think the Wii U will eventually make a comeback? Will the likes of Super Mario 3D World and 2014's Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8 be enough to turn things around?

[Via IGN]

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