Apex Legends Fuse Trailer

Apex Legends trailer introduces 16th character and his golden grenade

In the approach to its second birthday, Apex Legends is making preparations for the next big update. The headline feature of this patch is the new character. Named Fuse, this explosives addict has been introduced with a fancy trailer that explains some of his backstory, as well as the golden grenade he wears around his neck. Entitled “Good as Gold,” the lore-heavy trailer has a shock ending that we won’t spoil. Suffice it to say, Fuse can take one hell of a beating!

Apex Legends Fuse trailer, ability, and Ultimate

Apex Legends Fuse Trailer

Aside from the badass fighting and witty dialog, the golden grenade is one of the most-attention grabbing things in the trailer. This is likely to be the Firebomb Ultimate that Fuse is reported to wield. It can be previewed in the clip below from @SomeoneWhoLeaks:

Players won’t have to wait long to try out Fuse for themselves as the new Legend is scheduled to release on February 2, along with the new 30-30 weapon and revamped Kings Canyon.

The full 4-minute trailer can be viewed in the embedded player below:

It’s been almost two years since Apex Legends first launched. Since then, the game has gone through a number of evolutions. The addition of Fuse adds up to 16 different characters to play as. Enjoy a throwback by reading the GameRevolution Apex Legends review, which was written shortly after launch.

Despite receiving a number of big patches to help squash bugs and glitches, Apex Legends can still crash. Whether it’s running on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, or Xbox One, it’s always handy to have a list of troubleshooting tips and fixes for when the game comes to a halt.

Miss out on the Black Friday 2020 skins and packs? Take a look at this guide to see what you missed and whether or not it’s worth feeling bad about!

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