Humble Warner Bros. Bundle Includes Batman, Scribblenauts, and FEAR

The Humble Bundle is back again, and while it's not so indie yet again, it's still an incredible bargain for some top Warner Bros. games and still an incredible philanthropic endeavor. With the Humble Warner Bros. Bundle, you can pick up Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition, FEAR 2: Project Origin, FEAR 3, and Lord of the Rings: War in the North.

As with all other Humble Bundles, the concept is simple. You pay what you want, determine how much of it goes to the developers and/or charity, and then unlock download codes for Steam. If you donate more than the current average donation, then you get two additional games. This time, donors who give above the average also receive codes for Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition and Scribblenauts Unlimited.

It's a great way to pick up games you have always wanted to try out and give back to the community at the same time.

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