The Xbox One won't feature gameplay streaming via Twitch when the console launches on Friday. Twitch explained that Microsoft plans to implement the feature during early 2014. Considering that the PlayStation 4 had this feature at launch last week, this is another feather in Sony's cap.
"We know that the ability to broadcast your Xbox One gameplay direct to Twitch is something you're all very excited about," Twitch said on its blog. "So are we! Microsoft is working hard to ensure that the Twitch broadcasting experience meets all of your expectations, and we're looking forward to sharing more details with you all in the future."
Now, the Twitch App will be available at the console's launch (for Gold subscribers), and you can still use it to watch other streams, but the ability to stream your own gameplay is not available just yet. There are actually 10 Achievements you can earn for using Twitch. You really have to love Twitch for these Achievements.