Oculus Quest 2 bad for your skin

Oculus Quest 2 sales halted following skin irritation complaints

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Oculus Quest 2 is no stranger to controversy, though its most recent misstep is irritating in a very literal way. According to Facebook, a “very small percentage” of users are experiencing skin irritation where the headset’s facial interface rests against their skin. The news that Oculus Quest 2 is bad for your skin obviously isn’t great. With that in mind, the manufacturer is pulling sales and offering free replacements in an effort to remedy the situation.

Does Oculus Quest 2 give you bad skin?

Oculus Quest 2 pulled from sale

According to Facebook, Oculus Quest 2 is bad for a “very small percentage” of users’ skin. The VR headset’s foam facial interface can cause mild skin irritation for some people.

In response to the Quest 2 skin irritation issue, Oculus is temporarily halting all sales of the wireless headset. It’s also offering current owners a free replacement face cover, that switches the foam material out for skin-safe silicone rubber. Presumably, all future Oculus Quest 2 units will feature the replacement silicone facial interface as standard.

How to get Oculus Quest 2 face cover replacement for free

Oculus Quest 2 free replacement

Here’s how Oculus Quest 2 owners can claim a free facial interface replacement, switching the original foam cover for a new silicone model:

  1. Visit the “My Devices” page.
  2. Login using a Facebook account or Oculus ID.
  3. Next to the Oculus Quest 2 device, select “REQUEST SILICONE COVER.”
  4. Input and submit the shipping information to receive a free silicone face cover replacement.

After following the above steps, Oculus will send the replacement face cover free of charge. The Oculus Quest 2 silicone facial interface shouldn’t cause any further problems, thus fixing the skin irritation issue. It’ll no doubt provide users peace of mind to know that Oculus Quest 2 isn’t bad for your skin with the replacement rubber face cover in place.

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