Lost Ark Pre-order Founders Pack

Lost Ark’s Pre-Order Bonus Has Players Angry

The Lost Ark pre-order Founders Pack is making early access players to Amazon’s latest MMO upset, due to the pack’s items seemingly being single-use only. While it’s normally a free-to-play game it’s not available until Friday for most people, but players paying to get the Lost Ark early access items can play now and are discovering an unpleasant fact. Are these Lost Ark pre-order items single-use, as they seem to be?

Is the Lost Ark Pre-order Founders Pack single-use?

Lost Ark Pre-order Founders Pack

All of the pre-order items available in the Lost Ark Founder’s Pack — everything from the Bronze to the expensive Platinum pack — only contain single-use items, meaning that they can only be applied to a single player character on a single server. If players want to create a new character they will not be able to re-use any of their Founder’s Pack items, and if they need to move servers for any reason these items will not travel with their characters.

Suffice to say, considering how much these Founder’s Packs cost — the Platinum version is $99.99, a big price for a free-to-play game — many players are angry that these items aren’t being added to their Lost Ark accounts, as most pre-order bonuses in games like this would be. These items include skins, mounts, and even a pet cat, so players want to be able to utilize them on more than one character at least, let alone move servers with them. Unfortunately, this seems to be the case with most Lost Ark items, so players need to be careful when buying anything on the store.

Regardless, Lost Ark releases this Friday, February 11, so anyone who doesn’t like this practice will have to wait until then to play the MMO — as it doesn’t sound like this policy will change anytime soon. Alternatively, players can head to Amazon’s other MMO New World instead, which seems like it has a lot of content coming.

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