Marvel’s Agents of Shield Steals From Mass Effect 3

Some artist on Marvel's Agents of Shield thought they could get away with the above greenscreened shot (below) on the show, maybe because the Mass Effect 3 concept art (top) it's based on is not generally known and something that most sci-fi fans would miss anyway. I mean, it's just an angular, futuristic-looking building, but don't mess with Mass Effect fans.

Not that they aren't already used to a certain developer copying artwork for a certain finale shot or a certain unmasked character… but I digress.

BioWare forum member fhweufhewiu caught the attempt at plagiarism, possibly while wearing Garrus's visor eyepiece for eagle-eye detection. Just because you put some trees, a flag, and copy that triangular window thing over to the left side doesn't mean it's not stolen, ABC. Don't even call it "transformative art," or I'll shove a pencil in you and call it an "improvement."

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