Pachter: “There Is No Future” For PS Vita And Sony’s Handheld Market

With the ongoing success of smart devices and Nintendo's clear dominance is the dedicated gaming handheld space, Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter doesn't see a future for Sony in the portable games market.

Speaking to Game Informer, Pachter explained:

There is no future and they couldn't do any better [than Vita]. The market is what it is because of Nintendo. Nintendo built the market and Nintendo has the best name in handhelds.

I just think [Sony] misjudged the size of the market and launched it into this s—storm of mobile destroying the casual end of dedicated handhelds. And Nintendo's not giving up much share on the hardcore side, because they have three games to every one Sony game, and they are good games.

Do you think it's time Sony gives up on trying to capture the handheld gaming market? Is PlayStation Vita truly on its way out? Do you see any chance of PlayStation 4 connectivity breathing new life into the system? So many question still remain.

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