Microsoft Moving Away From “TV TV TV” Focus, Xbox One “A Games Console for Gamers”

When Microsoft first revealed Xbox One in 2013 a very large portion of the gaming community was disappointed, perplexed, and even angry. Instead of delivering what gamers wanted, the company apparently was more interested in promoting the console's other entertainment features and Kinect.

Since that time the Big M has tried to correct its course, and according to Harvey Eagle, the UK marketing head of Xbox, the company is now dedicated to gamers with a renewed vision.

"The original thinking behind what we did at the time was to make some announcements about the entertainment features that we were building into the box that we felt were unique and special, and then very quickly afterwards move on to gaming," he told The Guardian.

"We’ve been consistently talking about games since E3 2013, that’s what we’ll carry on doing, reminding people that this is a games console for gamers, that just happens to have some incredible entertainment features built in as well."

Do you think Microsoft can turn the tides in 2014 and eclipse Sony in the console war?

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