Metroid Designer Discusses Future Plans

Metroid game designer Yoshio Sakamoto shared a bit about what his plans are for the future, and it doesn't sound like the iconic space-traveling bounty hunter will play a major role in it. 

Speaking to CVG, Sakamoto expressed an interest in pursing projects that are vastly different than what he's worked on in the past. He's currently serving as producer on the wacky 3DS title Tomodachi Life and wants to continue to serve up completely new experiences rather than revisiting old ones.

When asked if he plans to return to more traditional projects after working on Tomodachi Life, Sakamoto replied:

I do not intend to do so. There might [currently] be various tasks I might be involved in with past series. However, even if so I would always like to introduce new entertainment and new fun to those series.

I would like to satisfy fans of those series, but also working with other talented individuals I would like to create entertainment that's completely different and that brings new emotions. I would like to challenge myself in those unique directions.

This might be indirect, but if we can make new types of gamers enjoy video games for the first time through Tomodachi Life, then they might eventually become interested in the more conventional games. I think we need to ensure that video games remain attractive to consumers, and in order to do so new concepts and ideas are important. I would like to challenge myself to do that.

Sakamoto has been with the Metroid franchise since the beginning, having worked on the original game all the way up through the series' most recent entry, Metroid: Other M; though, I don't know about you, but I like to pretend that Team Ninja's game never happened.

This doesn't necessarily bode well for the future of Nintendo's iconic bounty hunter, but then again, maybe some fresh blood in the producer/director role will be a good thing. Here's to hoping we actually get a new game in the series at some point in the near future. In the event that we do, would you prefer a return to the 2D perspective or something more along the lines of Metroid Prime?

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