Iwata: Nintendo No Longer Just a Video Game Company

Nintendo is more than just a video game company, according to the Big N's president and CEO, Mr. Satoru Iwata.

Nintendo is currently seen as a games-only company, but Iwata hopes to change public perception with the release of its still mysterious "Quality of Life platform." Speaking to Diamond.jp (via CVG), the company exec explained: 

A lot of people around the world think Nintendo is solely a company that makes video games, and I believe more and more of our own employees have started thinking in this way.

Some employees in charge of development find themselves in positions where all they are thinking about is how they can make the game in front of them more fun, so I don't think it can be helped if others outside of our company see us the same way.

So even though we won't chance the fact that our focus is on video games, I felt the need to take that occasion to state that Nintendo is a company that can do whatever it wants.

Do you think Nintendo's health-focused endeavor will prove to be a wise move? Will expanding beyond the confines of the video gaming medium pay off, or will it result in disastrous failure?

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