Ultra Street Fighter IV Arriving Early June With Pre-Order Bonuses

This is going to be complicated, but bare with the following release dates for Capcom's upcoming Ultra Street Fighter IV:

June 3 – Digital Upgrade: PSN on PS3 (North America), $14.99

June 4 – Digital Upgrade: Xbox Live on Xbox 360 (North America), $14.99

August 5 – PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 retail versions, also PS3 full digital bundle

August 8 – Digital Upgrade and Full Digital Bundle for PC, $29.99

The $14.99 digital upgrade will be for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC owners of Super Street Fighter IV or SSFIV: Arcade Edition. The full digital bundle on PC will be $29.99 and the full version for PS3 will be $39.99. The retail versions will also be $39.99. Anyone who purchases the full digital bundle or a retail version will receive all previous released costumes.

Pre-ordering Ultra Street Fighter IV at select retailers will come with the Challengers Costume Pack that expectedly gives the new cast of characters a new set of alternate customers. Elena gets a Jungle outfit, Hugo goes Medieval, Poison becomes a Pirate, Rolento transforms into a Wizard (interesting…), and Decapre gets a Gladiator outfit. The screenshots embedded above shows off these extras costumes.

For more information on the mechanics of the game, go ahead and read my preview!

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