Eight-Man Team Working on Lionhead’s “Next Big IP”

Lionhead Studios, the development studio behind the Fable franchise, is working on a new IP, and, interestingly enough, it's being spearheaded by a very small team of just eight people.

"It's a team of about eight guys we have in the studio who are trying to build the next big IP for us," John Needham, the boss over at Lionhead, told Eurogamer Germany. "They're working on a couple of new prototypes for completely different games – not Fable related. They'll also be working on new games we can put within Fable Legends as well."

Needham went on to add that "the primary purpose of the group is to come up with new game IP, and we'll hopefully this next year have something exciting to talk about."

The studio's first Xbox One exclusive, dubbed Fable Legends, is set to launch on Xbox One in 2015.

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