Steam 2014 Summer Sale: Day 7

So for a quick recap of the previous posts on the Steam Summer Sale

GR Steam Group: GameRevolution Steam Group

GR Steam IDs: NinjaNickTan (Nick Tan), WordsWithRyan (Ryan Bates), gilmeansjoy (Gil Almogi). and Daburninator22 (Jessica Vazquez).

So we've crossed the halfway mark in the Steam Summer Sale, and I've already come away with a large haul for about $60: Hotline Miami, Don't Starve, Half-Life Complete, State of Decay, Papers, Please, Bastion, The Wolf Among Us, Sleeping Dogs Collection, Castle Crashers (4-pack), Magic 2014, Just Cause 2 with DLC Collection, Spec Ops the Line, and Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons. I was also gifted Shadow Warrior and Payday 2. Thanks, Bart and Jessica.

I think you guys and gals know the drill at this point. Day 7. Ends June 30. 10am refresh for main deals. 10am, 6pm, and 2am refresh for Flash Sale and Community's Choice. Yesterday's main deals will still be active for another 24 hours.


Bioshock Infinite $29.99 $7.49 [-75%]

Final Fantasy VII $11.99 $4.07 [-66%]

The Banner Saga $24.99 $12.49 [-50%]

Endless Space Emperor Edition $29.99 $7.59 [-75%]

Kerbal Space Program $26.99 $16.19 [-40%]

Company of Heroes 2 $39.99 $9.99 [-75%]

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive $14.99 $7,49 [-50%]

Batman: Arkham Origins $29.99 7.49 [-75%]

Child of Light $14.99 $11.24 [-33%]

Flash Sale (Refreshes at 6pm and 2am, so check Steam then)

Next Car Game $29.99 $17.99 [-40%]

Infested Planet $14.99 $7,49 [-50%]

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes $19.99 $3,99 [-80%]

The Secret World $29.99 $11.99 [-60%]

Community's Choice (Refreshes at 6pm and 2am, so check Steam then)

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams $14.99 $2.99 [-80%]

Tomb Raider $19.99 $4.99 [-75%]

They Bleed Pixels $9.99 $1.99 [-80%]

Mirror's Edge $19.99 $4.99 [-75%]
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