Dead Space Remake's Impossible Mode Rewards
Image via EA Motive

Dead Space Remake’s Impossible Mode Rewards Are Sillier Than You Would Think

With Dead Space Remake‘s opening week already underway and garnering great reviews all around, players are already seeking the space horror’s ultimate prizes — namely, the rewards offered by completing Impossible Mode.

Impossible Mode requires the player to beat a new game on Hard Mode, which is a pretty herculean task in itself, but with the added hardcore requirement of not being able to die a single time.

Every Impossible Mode reward in Dead Space Remake

Funnily enough, one of the rewards earned for keeping Isaac steeled throughout Impossible Mode’s deep-space hell is quite silly and harkens back to Dead Space 2’s own “Hard Core Mode”. Long-time fans will immediately recognize this as the Hand Cannon, a red foam finger joke weapon unlockable only by beating Impossible Mode.

The other reward for beating the difficult mode is the Burnished Suit skin, a black cosmetic suit for Isaac to wear in future playthroughs, and a nice break from the original copper design. The real star is the red Hand Cannon though, allowing Isaac to shout “Pew Pew” or “BANG” when firing the gag gun, replacing the in-game firing audio for a comedic treat.

Think you’re ready for the challenge? Here’s a full breakdown of the differences between Hard and Impossible Mode, and for more news, check out this Dead Space Remake easter egg that could be hinting at a sequel.

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