Microsoft Details November Xbox One System Update

The October update for Xbox One may have only rolled out last week, but that isn't stopping Microsoft from gearing up for next month's big system update. 

That's right, some major changes are coming to the console in November, and headlining the bunch is the ability to customize the dashboard with various backgrounds. According to Major Nelson's blog, you'll be able to "choose a custom color or achievement art as your background on Xbox One, with more customization options coming down the road."

Additionally, Twitter users will have the added ability to tweet out their favorite game clips by simply pressing the Share button. Oh, and a handful of new TV features are being added as well, not the least of which includes Live TV Trending.

Gamer profiles are also getting fleshed out a bit more, and a number of improvements are coming to the Xbox One's online store and Smart Glass app. For all the details, be sure to check out the video preview above.

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