Buy, Try, Die: April 2015 Releases

*tumbleweeds rolls across the plains*

Not much is going on in April. To the point that I might as well call it Mortal Kombat X Month. I'm sure that you're going to see GameRevolution as well as every popular general gaming site start flooding you with features, interviews, tips, and guides on Netherrealm's upcoming ninja-filled fighter. That is, if they haven't already.

That said, we've still got two weeks until Mortal Kombat X's release date of April 14. In the meantime, the remastered version of Dark Souls II for new-gen consoles, Scholars of the First Sin, might strike your fancy. If you have a 3DS, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and Etrian Mystery Dungeon might hold you over. I'm also interested in StarDrive 2 given that I saw it at GDC this year and I'm intrigued by any game that has a race of Samurai Space Bears.

Grand Theft Auto V finally releases for PC at the same time as Mortal Kombat X, so we'll hopefully see awesome mods that will upgrade the game's graphics and add features we've always wanted (like Officer Vasquez?). The only other worthy pieces of note is the Year One Survival Edition for State of Decay as well as the second act for Broken Age. Otherwise, I'm going to sleep like a toad and tell everyone to wake me up in May.

Apr 1 – Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PC)

Apr 2 – VoidExpanse (PC)

Apr 2 – Underground (Wii U)

Apr 2 – Excave II: Wizard of the Underworld (3DS)

Apr 2 – Mon Premier Karaoke (Wii U)

Apr 2 – Bubble Gum Popper (Wii U)

Apr 7 – Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (XOne, PS4)

Apr 7 – Etrian Mystery Dungeon (3DS)

Apr 9 – StarDrive 2 (PC)

Apr 9 – Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U)

Apr 10 – Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (New Nintendo 3DS)

Apr 14 – Mortal Kombat X (PC, XONE, PS4)

Apr 14 – Grand Theft Auto V (PC)

Apr 20 – Bloodbath Kavkaz (PC)

Apr 21 – Shovel Knight (PS4, PS3, Vita)

Apr 24 – Dungeons 2 (PC)

Apr 28 – Tropico 5 (PS4)

Apr 28 – State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition (XONE)

Apr 28 – Omega Quintet (PS4)

Apr 28 – The Golf Club: Collector's Edition (XONE, PS4)

Apr 28 – Broken Age (PS4, Vita, PC, Mac, iOS)

Apr 30 – Block N Load (PC)

Apr 30 – R.B.I. Baseball 15 (PC)

April – Wander (PC)
What will you Buy, what will you Try, and what needs to Die?
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