A Guide to Batman: Arkham Knight’s Batmobile

The Batmobile plays a crucial role in Batman: Arkham Knight, for better or worse. The Dark Knight's trusty vehicle is used to travel around Gotham and take down enemy vehicles. It also appears in some unique Riddler challenges involving races and puzzles. Along the way players can put upgrade points into the Batmobile to upgrade its maneuverability and weapon capabilities. Listed below are the various moves/upgrades and some recommendations for first-time players.

General Tips

  • Always be dodging during combat. Simply driving out of the way doesn't work once the game throws more enemy vehicles at the player.
  • Look for spots throughout Gotham to use the Power Winch. If you see the R1 icon while in Battle Mode, that means you can use that device. Power Winch locations often lead to secret goodies such as Riddler trophies.
  • Remember your special attacks, such as missile barrage and later drone virus (you must choose that particular upgrade at a certain point in the game). Those special attacks help with large groups of enemies, especially the charged up missile barrage which takes out four enemies at once.
  • Driving at high speeds and then jumping out of the Batmobile with a double tap of the X button is a great way to gain some height and fly around the city.
  • If you need to navigate a tight space or line up a jump, use the battle mode as it's easier to control the Batmobile that way.

Moves List

  • 60mm Cannon: This high powered weapon delivers Kinetic Energy Penetrator shells specifically designed to combat heavily armored vehicles. Target enemy turrets for increased damage on impact.
  • Battle Mode: Tranform the Batmobile from Pursuit Mode to Battle Mode to engage drones or enemies on foot. The multi-directional movement of Battle Mode enables controlled traversal over difficult terrain and in confined areas.
  • Drone Virus: This virus infiltrates drone systems and overrides targeting protocols causing an infected drone to target other militia vehicles instead of the Batmobile. Infect multiple targets at once by charging up Secondary Weapon energy to cause disarray among the enemy forces. Drone Virus is also effect against Cobra units but these will require level 2 Secondary weapon energy to override.
  • EMP: Emits an electromagnetic pulse designed to scramble incoming missiles and briefly immobilize nearby drones. Charge up Secondary Weapon energy to immobilize drones in close proximity for a significantly longer period of time. A must have addition to the armory when overwhelmed by drone units.
  • Forensic Scanner: This device emits a sonar pulse that can scan the immediate topography of an environment and detect forensic anomalies. Drone targets will also be identified, providing a tactical advantage in combat. Forensic Scanning is automatically disengaged when battle commences.
  • Missile Barrage: With simultaneous targeting capabilities you can unleash a barrage of guided missiles that will neutralize multiple targets on impact. The maximum number of enemies targeted depends on the current Secondary Weapon energy level. Charge up Secondary Weapon energy by destroying militia drone units.
  • Power Winch: This multipurpose gadget is an essential component of the Batmobile's armory. Attach to Winch Points to move heavy objects, pull down walls, or deliver high powered electrical charges.
  • Pursuit Immobilizer: After tagging an enemy vehicle with the Vehicle tracker you will be able to track its movements and immobilize the target with a small infrared homing missile. Heavy armored transports will require multiple strikes.
  • Pursuit Mode: Whether in transit or during enemy pursuit, engage and utilize any number of the Batmobile's high performance capabilities to your advantage.
  • Riot Suppressor: Heat signature recognition automatically disengages live rounds and engages the Riot Suppressor during combat. The weapon fires non-lethal Slam Rounds the immobilize combatants with minimal long-term trauma.
  • Summon and Eject: Utilize your suit and car's synchronized subsystems to signal and enter the Batmobile at will. Eject while driving to be shot high into the air and transition seamless into a glide, or use your cape as a chute to slow your motion and bring you safely to the ground.
  • Vulcan Gun: This rapid fire weapon is ideal for precision targeting drone weak spots, neutralizing incoming missiles, and engaging fast moving aerial drones.

General Upgrades

Armor Level 1

  • Increase the Batmobile's armor defenses by 25%.
  • Cost: 1 point
  • Requirements: N/A

Armor Level 2

  • Increase the Batmobile's armor defenses by 50%.
  • Cost: 2 points
  • Requirements: Armor Level 1

Armor Level 3

  • Increase the Batmobile's armor defenses by 75%.
  • Cost: 3 points
  • Requirements: Armor Levels 1 & 2

Armor Level 4

  • Increase the Batmobile's armor defenses by 100%.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: Armor Levels 1, 2 & 3

Super Eject Level 1

  • Upgraded ejection propulsion systems launch you further into the air. Charge up by holding the first press for the Eject and then release and press again to launch.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: N/A

Super Eject Level 2

  • Maximized ejection propulsion systems launch you high into the night sky. Charge up by holding the first press for Eject and then release and press again to launch.
  • Cost: 8 points
  • Requirements: Super Eject Level 1

Ram Charge

  • Powers up the Batmobile so that it can destroy isolated enemy drones if hitting them with enough speed while in Pursuit Mode.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: N/A

Afterburner Recharge Level 2

  • Increase the automatic recharge rate of the Batmobile's Afterburner system, to allow for faster movement throughout the city.
  • Cost: 2 points
  • Requirements: N/A

Afterburner Recharge Level 3

  • Maximize the automatic recharge rate of the Batmobile's Afterburner system, to allow for faster movement throughout the city.
  • Cost: 4
  • Requirements: Afterburner Recharge Level 2

Dodge Thruster Boost

  • Trigger two successive bursts of the Dodge Thrusters while in Battle Mode to cover greater distances with ease. Highly effective in combat with enemy armor for evading incoming fire.
  • Cost: 8 points
  • Requirements: Afterburner Recharge Level 2


Armor Level upgrades are important because Arkham Knight throws a lot of enemy vehicles at Batman in the latter part of the game. Dodging is key to avoiding extensive damage, but there are times in which it's hard to avoid four or five attacks at once. It pays to have a little peace of mind.

Speaking of dodging, the Dodge Thruster Boost might be the best general upgrade for the Batmobile. It costs quite a few points (eight to be exact), but trust me when I say you'll be dodging a lot in the Batmobile. The Thruster Boost upgrade allows the Batmobile to travel longer distances with the push of the dodge button (X on PS4), which comes in handy late in the game and during specific side missions involving Batmobile combat, such as the mine disarming ones.

Weapon Upgrades

Emergency Weapon Energy

  • Diverts all resources to the weapon systems if the Batmobile's armor drops to critical. This will instantly charge up the Secondary Weapon Energy to level 2 to power up the Batmobile to fight back.
  • Cost: 2 points
  • Requirements: N/A

Energy Storage Protection

  • Completed Batmobile Secondary Weapon energy levels cannot be depleted regardless of the damage inflicted on the vehicle.
  • Cost: 8 points
  • Requirements: Emergency Weapon Energy

Vulcan Gun – Accuracy

  • Stabilizes the Vulcan Gun while firing, allowing you to offload with precision targeting for longer periods. Highly effective when targeting drones for critical shots.
  • Cost: 1 point
  • Requirements: N/A

Energy Absorption Efficiency

  • Increase the amount of Batmobile Secondary Weapon energy gained for each enemy destroyed.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: N/A

60mm Cannon – Cobra Lure

  • Shots from the 60mm cannon will attract the militia's Cobra drones to the location of the blast. A highly effective means of creating diversions and setting up ambush opportunities.
  • Cost: 3 points
  • Requirements: N/A

60mm Cannon – Reload Speed

  • Reduce reload time on the 60mm cannon, allowing for an increased rate of fire during battle.
  • Cost: 2 points
  • Requirements: N/A

60mm Cannon – Reload Speed 2

  • Optimize reload time on the 60mm cannon, allowing for maximum possible rate of fire during battle.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: 60mm Cannon – Reload Speed

60mm Cannon – Chassis Shot Damage

  • Increase the amount of damage caused to a drone by a direct shot to the chassis.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: 60mm Cannon – Reload Speed

60mm Cannon – Turret Shot Damage

  • Increase the amount of damage caused to a drone by a direct shot to the turret.
  • Cost: 4 points
  • Requirements: 60mm Cannon – Reload Speed


The Vulcan Gun is pretty cool, but the 60mm Cannon does most of the legwork when I fight large groups of enemy vehicles. Thus, every 60mm Cannon upgrade is worth prioritizing. The Chassis and Turret Shot damage upgrades in particular help take care of vehicles quickly, as one well-aimed shot will usually destroy them. Otherwise, you may have to shoot tanks two or three times to take them down.

If you happen to upgrade the 60mm Cannon fully, the Energy Absorption Efficiency is another prime candidate. It charges up the Secondary Weapon meter a lot faster, which in turn allows you to use the special attacks on a more frequent basis. Let me remind you, a level two missile barrage destroys up to four vehicles at once. Now imagine doing that all the time with the Energy Absorption Efficiency upgrade.


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