Guide: Beat the Best Players In Titanfall 2 With These Tips

Thousands of players are already roleplaying their favorite Gundam fantasy as they wreak havoc in one of Titanfall 2’s many online modes. If you want to sharpen your skills and fight alongside the best of the best, you better start abiding by these tips detailed below.


Speed is Key

Like many shooters, Titanfall 2 is all about being quicker than your opponent. Use Wall Run, Slide, and Double Jump to remain mobile and hard to lock down. Use your mobility to come from unexpected angles and stay of the ground, enemies will expect to be at eye level with other pilots, surprise them!

When playing as a pilot, Titanfall 2 feels a lot like Call of Duty if it were hopped up on Adderall. They key to shooters like these is moving fast and unexpectedly, when the enemy is strolling around the corner you should be wall running a couple of rounds directly to their chest.

Fire from the Hip when Possible

Many weapons remain reliable when fired from the hip, especially in close quarter situations. Don’t be afraid to fire of shots from your waist while moving, but remember to aim down the sites when accuracy is needed.

It’ll be hard to get the hang of, but it can be the difference between a 5 player kill streak and another respawn on the other side of the map.

Don’t Forget About Grenades

Grenades are life savers in tight situations when your trapped by enemy players. Remember you can hold down the grenade throw button to cook the explosive, prepping it for an immediate impact of maximum carnage. You can also drop a grenade by cancelling the throw, perfect for when you’re being chased across the map after taking a few hits.

Channel Your Inner Batman With The Grappling Hook

Taking on a titan on foot is daunting, but with the introduction of classes to multiplayer loadouts mounting a titan with your grappling hook is as fun as ever. You can use the grappling hook to sip to your point of sight in a direct line, including the top of those annoying metal heads. Once you’re atop one of the irons giants you can drop a live grenade down the hatch before the pilot inside even notices.

You can even chain attacks together on multiple titans with the grappling hook, isn’t that how Batman would handle it if he was surrounding by giant metal monsters?

Play to the Objective

Like any multiplayer FPS, Titanfall 2 is much more than The Most Dangerous Game with big metal men, objectives still exist. You won’t win the round by going on a ruthless killing spree (even though it may help), the only way to walk away with the victory is by completing the goal.

You’ll need to to jump out of the chassis and capture the control points in Hardpoint Amped mode while your titan patrols the area for enemies. Completing objectives will also speed up your titan timer if you’re without your colossal friend, getting you closer to some much needed backup

Don’t Be Afraid To Take Shots At Titans

In many cases, you won’t be able to take down titans when you’re running around on foot, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fire off a few rounds with your anti-titan weapon. Who knows, one of your shots could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, sending that titan to meet his metallic maker.

Just be mindful of your position, don’t get locked in a firefight that you won’t win. Remain mobile while taking those pot shots and sucker punches. Once you’ve landed a few keep moving towards the objective.

It’s Your Style, Get a Titan To Match it

Titanfall 2’s new titan types compliment certain play styles nicely, find the one that matches your strategies. If you focus on getting up in the opponent's face for some close quarter combat, Ronin’s melee weapons are great for some strong close range attacks.

From Scorch to Legion, you’ll find titans good for taking on enemies from medium range to tanks with heavy armor that can take a good bit of damage before going down. It’s important to take these types and map layouts into consideration before committing to a certain strategy.

These tips are a great place to start in your quest to defeat the rest. But don’t forget to enjoy yourself when playing online, it’s important to keep cool and have fun (even in the middle of a knuckle bitingly close brawl).


Titanfall 2 is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. If you have any tips, feel free to leave them below for other players to pick up on and try out.

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