Tell GR: What’s Your Best April Fools’ Day Prank?

April Fools’ Day has now been and gone, meaning that I have finally stopped receiving emails from publishers about games that I’d actually like to see released, yet will forever exist only as an elaborate joke. Yesterday, Bandai Namco “announced” that the Pokemon Eevee would be making its way to Tekken 7 as DLC, which was quite clearly a ruse yet made me really want to see that become a reality. Alas, April Fools’ Day ensures that we’ll never see that unlikely crossover.

So what are some of the best April Fools’ Day pranks you’ve been involved in? They could either be pranks you’ve orchestrated yourself, making a friend or a family member periodically terrified for your own amusement, or a prank that’s been played on you, where you’ve been burned to such an inexplicable extent that you’ve been forced to drop out of an entire social group out of shame. Either way, we want to know and laugh with/at you!

The best April Fools’ Day prank I’ve been involved in is when I told someone that I could run a video game website on the internet, and they gave me a job.

Let us know yours in the comments section below!

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