Destiny 2 1.2.0 Update warmind

What Are You Playing? Destiny 2 Warmind, Skyrim, Fortnite, Total War, and More

We saw two big releases this week (which we’re currently reviewing): Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire and Destiny 2 Warmind. However, for the most part the GR staff is taking time to play some of their backlog. Destiny 2 fatigue has even got us down, and only a couple of the staff are playing Warmind.

Here’s what we’re playing this week. Let us know what your current gaming fixations are in the comments below!

Jason Faulkner: I’ve been playing three games for review, and it is destroying me. Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is amazing, but also apparently neverending, Destiny 2 Warmind is OK, and State of Decay 2 is a game under embargo. After God of War fever it’s good to play such different games though.

Aimee Hart: I’m not sure I can say I’m playing a game just yet. But I am preparing to replay Skyrim on the Switch now that I’ve got more time. There’s just something about the Elder Scrolls that I can’t get enough of. I have a feeling it’ll be 50 years from now and I’ll still have time to head back into the world that Todd Howard and the rest of Bethesda has made me love so much.

Astrid Johnson: Being up to my eyeballs in deadlines, I’ve not had as much time this week to take a deep-dive into any big games and instead have opted to play what I always play when I need to de-stress in short bursts – Tetris. The free version you can play online is perfect for stacking some tetrominoes when you only have a little bit of time.

Michael Levi: I’ve been playing a weird little game called Vacation: Italy Edition. It’s a lot like Assassin’s Creed 2 but with more NPCs trying to sell you selfie sticks and umbrellas. During my downtime, however, I’ve finally been digging (pun intended) into SteamWorld Dig 2 on my Vita. I’m a little frustrated I waited this long to start it because it’s rad as hell.

Alleef Ashaari: I’ve been playing Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia since its release last week. Creative Assembly keeps improving the core gameplay, refining it with every new Total War game. And limiting the scope to one historical point instead of an entire era definitely makes the game more focused. Uniting Britain and stopping Viking invasions have never been more fun.

Bradley Russell: With all the recent hype around Shadow of the Tomb Raider I’ve decided to go back to pre-reboot Lara Croft and try my hand at Tomb Raider: Underworld. It’s definitely a game from 2007 with its greys and browns but it definitely nails the tomb raiding aspect a lot better than the reboot series. Also, it features an iconic character heading to Niflheim after the loss of a mother. I’m not saying God of War copied it but…

Mack Ashworth: I’ve been building sky-bases in Fortnite to easily defeat Thanos, as his laser and jump just can’t reach that high. (Avengers, take note!) PUBG has my attention again, what with the new Sanhok map currently being tested. Aside from that, I’m just getting errands out of the way so that I’ll have more free time for Detroit: Become Human. They hype is pretty real surrounding that one!

Morgan Lewis: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze – Even though it’s a port, it plays so much better on the Nintendo Switch. 2D platformers, in the majority of cases (Mario Odyssey and Galaxy excluded), are superior to 3D. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is very challenging, which is refreshing considering most games that come out nowadays are relatively easy. It presents something old and something new, it’s nostalgic but has so many brand new elements. Retro Games did an amazing job and Nintendo was so smart to port it to the Switch as so many people, like myself, didn’t play it on the Wii U (I owned it but never played it). I love the portability option as well. Yes, it’s challenging, and I haven’t wanted to throw my controller against the wall for stupid mistakes since I was a kid playing the secret levels in Super Mario World, but it is a lot of fun, especially when you play with a friend.

Cody Perez: It’s a big week of shooters for me. I’m powering through all of the new content that has arrived with Destiny 2: Warmind. In addition, I’m overwhelmed with the sheer awesomeness of playing as/against Thanos in the Fortnite Infinity Gauntlet Event.

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