monster hunter world crossover

The Monster Hunter World Crossover Events of Our Dreams

Monster Hunter World has had some pretty spectacular crossover events since its release. From the Final Fantasy XIV crossover which saw the Behemoth rampaging into Astera, to the Devil May Cry event which gave us some threads, Capcom has been inventive about additions to its dino-slaying universe. From the awe-inspiring to the sartorial, there’s been no shortage of cool limited-time hunts to partake in. That being said, there’s always room for improvement (we’re missing some distinctly Cup Noodle-flavored action). Here are some Monster Hunter World crossover events that we reckon would be awesome.

Monster Hunter World x Cup Noodles

Monster Hunter World Cup Noodles

Final Fantasy XV was packed full of ads for products, but the most iconic was probably the various product placements for Nissin’s famous Cup Noodles. Complete with a Cup Noodle packet-hat hybrid for Noctis to equip, this crossover was both delicious and fashionable. While Astera might realistically be a few decades away from the invention of instant food, Monster Hunter World hasn’t been very grounded in historical accuracy so having a Nissin crossover isn’t the unlikeliest thing to happen.

The Cup Noodle hat DLC grants players increased health regeneration in Final Fantasy XV, and that could be extremely useful to have when you’re facing off against a tempered beast. Even without any combat buffs, the hat looks like it would stand up well against the hard head of a Barroth.

Monster Hunter WorldPokemon

Monster Hunter World Pokemon

The Palicos were an adorable addition to Final Fantasy XIV during the Monster Hunter World crossover, but there’s no reason why that sort of cuteness can’t go both ways. Nintendo may not be ready to put Pikachu on the monster hunting frontlines quite yet, but we think some sort of Pokemon costume for your feline assistants could be on the cards. Let’s not think too hard about the semantics of how the materials are obtained for a glamour like that.

Perhaps it could be a quest about rescuing a starter Pokemon from a ravenous Great Jagras; that lion-like mane could easily be turned into an Eevee mask if the tailors of Astera have anything to say about it. With Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate doing so well on the Switch, there’s clearly room for some reciprocal action in the form of the most successful Monster Hunter game to date. Some Pokemon-themed weapons would be great too — elemental affinities were made for a crossover like this.

Monster Hunter World x The Witcher

Monster Hunter World The Witcher

We’ve seen Geralt in Soul Calibur, so it wouldn’t be out of place to see his witching hour garb in Monster Hunter World too. This guy’s used to hunting down the weird and the wonderful, so if the likes of Dante can find success in Astera than we’d posit that the Witcher is more than qualified for the task. It would be great to have some fiends from the Witcher universe as challenging hunts. The gargantuan Leshen is certainly terrifying enough to fit into somewhere like the Ancient Forest; it’d be cool to see the embodiment of the forest locked in death-defying combat with an Anjanath.

The Wild Hunt would probably be happy rampaging throughout the gloomier areas of Monster Hunter World too — facing off against them in a taller map like the Coral Highlands would force hunters to be creative about these magical foes. Whether it’s Ciri and Geralt glamour or just more giant things to throw yourselves against, a Witcher crossover would definitely be a one-of-a-kind event.

Monster Hunter World x Super Mario Odyssey

Monster Hunter World Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey has had its own post-launch additions with the likes of Luigi’s Balloon World. Those who have played the game will also remember the eerie Ruined Kingdom and its huge draconic guardian which looked more like a Dark Souls boss than anything Bowser has ever conjured up in the past. The Ruined Dragon would do well in the Rotten Vale, or even as a complement to the other cold-blooded tempered foes that are already haunting Astera.

The spoils of war for downing such a beast in Monster Hunter World could easily be some Super Mario-themed gear. We’re talking colorful caps with googly eyes at the very least and maybe some skin that emulates the old NES textures if we’re feeling particularly creative. The crossover could go both ways too – if Luigi gets his own minigame in Super Mario Odyssey, we could probably have a spin-off on the balloon hunt if we replace those inflatable boys with adorable Palicos.

There are a ton of other franchises with great crossover potential, but the ones we’ve named above are our favorites by far. From the variety of Nintendo offerings to some slightly edgier participants from the School of the Wolf, there are a bunch of event ideas out there that could net ambitious hunters everything from new gear to bigger, fire-breathing obstacles to take down. It’s just up to Capcom to make those deals and then implement them.

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