Tell GR: How many physical copies of games do you own?

Physical copies of games are steadily becoming obsolete. With digital games on the up and game streaming soon to become a big thing in the near future, you can say goodbye to your boxes. Of course, a lot of folks aren’t happy about this, and the GameRevolution editorial team certainly have their own affinity for physical games.

We asked GR editors to share how many physical copies of games they own, and the responses were varied. As always, leave your own comments in the comments section below, and we’ll feature our favorite in tomorrow’s Tell GR.

Paul Tamburro, executive editor: “I own a fair number of physical copies. Though I predominantly play games on my PC, I still pick up pretty much every big release for the three major consoles, and I have a good number of retro games stashed away, too. I’m not at the point where I could take a bath in my physical copies, but I could at least fill a very sizable sink up with them,”

Jason Faulkner, senior editor: “I’m sitting around a few thousand physical copies spread amongst all my systems. If possible I always buy physical, and if I really like a game, even if I review it and we get a digital code I’ll buy a physical copy. I’m skeptical of digital libraries, and I want to know I’ll be able to play a game whenever I want to, even if it’s decades from now. Plus, it gives me the bonus of supporting the devs of games I especially enjoy.”

Mack Ashworth, lead editor: “I own very few physical games. These are mostly for the Nintendo Switch. As I’m part of games media, I tend to receive many games in code form. If I’m to purchase a game for PS4 or Xbox, it’s usually digital so that I can split the purchase with my girlfriend, which makes the high prices much easier to swallow.”

Bradley Russell, news editor: “The UK games industry hasn’t quite caught up to the fact that digital games should cost far less than physical when taking out distribution costs and the like. So that means I have more physical copies than I’d like stacking up. It’s probably a 60/40 physical split right now, though PSN’s never-ending tempting sales has made my virtual pile of games grow ever larger recently.”

Michael Leri, features editor: “I have a DVD binder of PS3, PS2, PS1, and a couple Xbox discs but after that, it’s all digital, baby. Physical media will die alongside us all. Digital is forever. Long live digital.”

Yesterday’s Best Comment

Question: What game deserves its own Netflix series?

MikeyVengeance: “Vagrant Story. Make it happen.”

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