tell gr gaming gifts 2

Tell GR | What gaming gifts did you get this Christmas?

Christmas has been and gone, which means that we’ve unwrapped all our presents, eaten all our food, and we’re currently basking in the glow of our gluttony. Many of you will have received a gaming-related gift this year, so we want to know which game or piece of hardware was beneath your tree on December 25.

I was treated to an Oculus Quest this year, finally experiencing wireless VR and thoroughly enjoying the time I’ve spent with Vader ImmortalBeat Saber, and Rec Room. VR’s been a major hit this holiday season, with both the Quest and the Valve Index selling out until 2020, and I’m glad that the technology is finally hitting its stride.

So what gaming-related gifts did you receive this year? Let us know in the comments section below, and we’ll feature our favorite response in Monday’s Tell GR!

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