Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Preview

Here comes the sun, and I say, “It’s alright.”

I’m not sure what Camelot’s been doing for the past few years. Reminiscing about old times? Burning through their hard-earned cash like MC Hammer? Regardless, making video games probably wasn’t high on the list, because other than a couple of Mario sports games we haven’t seen a peep out of the developer since they concluded the original Golden Sun story in The Lost Age.

[image1]But hey, all’s well that ends well, right? The long, long overdue new installment in this great series is right around the corner. Unlike The Lost Age, however, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn does not start right where its predecessor left off. This is truly a brand new adventure, in almost a brand new world.

30 years after the last game, the world has transformed (quite literally) into a different place. The power of the Golden Sun has changed the landscape and created new species of creatures just waiting to be discovered by adventurers. Those adventurers, whom you control, turn out to be the children of the heroes from the original games.

The new threat to world peace comes in the form of Psynergy Vortexes, which have appeared all over to suck the magical psynergy power from the land and the adepts who wield it. Returning to help stop the calamity are the still cute-and-cuddly Djinni, ready to boost your power and help you summon just like before.

[image2]The game’s puzzles are just like the previous two installments, revolving around using your psynergy to get past obstacles that you often can’t physically affect. While the old button commands are still there, you now have the option of using touch-screen controls to cater to all your psynergy needs. For instance, you can use the Move spell to push boulders and pillars out of your way by dragging them with the stylus.

The battle system, from what we’ve seen so far, looks just about the same as it did on the GBA, only with fancier graphics. You still have the same battle commands, many of the same psynergy spells, and unleash Djinn in special moves, which you can then use to call down your summons. Familiar summons like Ramses and Kirin return, along with some new beasts to put the hurt on your enemies. And just like with the field controls, you can use the touch screen to execute all your battle plans if you so choose.

Keep an eye out later this year, because the Dark Dawn will arrive to brighten up your DS collection this holiday season.

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