In the pipe, five by five. Love or hate their particular brand of game design, it’s hard to deny that…
Police with unlimited budgets. Let's not mince words here. The Need for Speed franchise started breaking down like an aging…
Here comes the sun, and I say, “It's alright.” I'm not sure what Camelot's been doing for the past few…
Pull up the roots. Okay, so Sonic Unleashed was a total fiasco. Sonic as a werewolf?!?! Really?! They must've been…
Geek Rock. Platinum Games struck gold earlier this year when they released Bayonetta. It took what had become a stale…
Geek Rock. Platinum Games struck gold earlier this year when they released Bayonetta. It took what had become a stale…
Luke be a Jedi tonight. As you may recall, the first Force Unleashed fell short of expectations, or at least…
The barrel of monkeys is rolling back. With all the marvelous technological advances at E3 like the 3DS, the Kinect,…
Goin' to the chop shop. If you're anything like the rest of us here at the GR compound, then you're…
Watch out, Kirby’s making a running stitch! If there’s one thing we learned from E3 this year, it’s that Nintendo…
Joining forces to hurt each other again! Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the quintessential gimme. For fighting game enthusiasts, it’s…
Joining forces to hurt each other again! Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the quintessential gimme. For fighting game enthusiasts, it’s…
It's a musical trilogy! After the onslaught of Guitar Hero band tributes, Rock Band band tributes, Guitar Hero V and…
It's a musical trilogy! After the onslaught of Guitar Hero band tributes, Rock Band band tributes, Guitar Hero V and…