While The Game Awards was full of dull moments, the cinematic trailer debut for Hideo Kojima's upcoming game Death Stranding wasn't one of them. Despite telling us nothing about what the game will be, in terms of gameplay, it did give us lots of hints as to what the game will be about (it also looked absolutely stunning).
It's as if Hideo Kojima was daring us to dig into the trailer and extrapolate any details we can. In fact, he literally did dare us . You're on, Kojima!
Analysis of Death Stranding's First Trailer
This Baby Is Important
This almost seems like a demonic version of Children of Men. This baby could very well be the hope for humanity, while the evil skeleton army seeks to snuff it out.
Guillermo Del Toro\'s Character Is Part Of The U.S. Government
He wears a nice suit with a golden pin, clearly reading "BRIDGES" and "United States of America." No such organization exists, so we're not sure what it means. But the game doesn't appear to be set in the United States, so Del Toro's character could be part of an international effort against this military/government.
You'll notice several shots of Mads Mikkelson that pan over a compas that sits square on his chest. On several occasions, particularly when MIkkelson is controlling the skeletons, the compass is freaking out, moving rapidly in circles.
Seems to be the same thing that is affecting Mads Mikkelson's character, so perhaps this evil has a way of taking over its subjects, and it could be what turned people into skeletons in the first place.
He\'s Also Might Have Been A Prisoner
Del Toro's character has a florescent blue pair of handcuffs dangling from his right wrist. This indicates that he was either a prisoner or wanted to make sure something didn't leave his side (perhaps that baby).
Analysis of Death Stranding\'s First Trailer
Scarecrow Tanks
The tanks in the trailer are also adorned with human bones, and I doubt that's for functionality. Likely, this is a scarecrow-type tactic, instilling fear in all humans who dare cross them.
What We Know
The trailer, and likely the whole game, is set in either a dystopion or simply war-torn region. Guillermo Del Toro is clearly trying to avoid the detection of a military regime, which could indicate that he is part of a plan to overthrow said military.
Kojima said that Death Stranding has a theme of humans losing a strand. This rainbow likely represents that very strand, a hopeful symbol that everything could very well be OK in the future, if carefully preserved.
Religious Symbolism
There is also religious symbolism that can't be ignored. Del Toro trying to transport an important baby down a stream (or River perhaps). Where have I heard that before? This is even given a sinister twist with the plastic baby doll that begins glowing red. While religious symbolism may be relatively new territory for Kojima, Del Toro is no stranger to the practice.
These Handprints Are Very Likely a Signal
Why is Del Toro seeking to go down that particular tunnel (that inexplicably is flooded with water)? Because all the soldiers are skeletons, these handprints had to be made by someone not in the military. This could be a way of marking safe passages made by those trying to combat the military. Of course, this passage didn't turn out to be exactly safe.
The Army Are Skeleton Soldiers
While I first though the soldiers were simply wearing masks, you can see in several shots that their hands are also simply skeletons.
There seems to be some sort of corruption or plague oozing everywhere.