Battlefront 2 Count Dooku

Battlefront 2 Count Dooku helps defeat Battlefield 5 on YouTube

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Count Dooku trailer has been fairly well-received by fans, but a surprising tidbit of information has emerged about this latest video. It’s handily beating the everloving heck out of a recent big video from another Electronic Arts game. The Battlefield 5 video for Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes has amassed a grand total of 14,000 Likes since its release approximately two weeks ago. As a point of comparison, the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Count Dooku video has crossed the 19,000 Likes mark and continues to climb — even though it’s only been out for five days.

Count Dooku first debuted in the game just five days ago as part of a content update. Dooku is a character with a lot of finesse and refinement in the movies and the developers put a lot of thought into translating that experience to Star Wars Battlefront II. As a result, his wider blocking range and lower stamina depletion make him a fine choice for deflecting all of those pesky blaster shots from the legions of enemies you’re sure to face. The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Count Dooku trailer gives you a pretty good idea of what it’s like to play this latest villain.

As for Battlefield 5, the Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes trailer details a batch of new content for the game. This update brings in a Grand Operation, Squad Conquest mode, and the return of Rush-style gameplay. Rush is a particular favorite of mine (and many Battlefield fans) thanks to its fast-paced gameplay, but it will unfortunately only be available for a limited time (along with some of the other new features introduced in this patch). The devs say that they may very well be bringing them back in the future if they prove popular enough.

So, here we have two big-budget games from EA with recent content updates, but it seems that the older game Star Wars Battlefront 2 (which certainly had a troubled history of its own) is currently outperforming the newer game Battlefield 5. The gap was first pointed out on the /r/StarWarsBattlefront subreddit. We could give out about a million reasons why, but I think the numbers show that fans are a little happier to thrown down as Dooku than run around shooting Nazis for the umpteenth time.

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