FIFA 20 Trainer | How to turn the Trainer off

At long last, FIFA 20 is finally here and football is back in everyone’s hands (ironically). As has been the case for the last few editions of FIFA, the FIFA Trainer is also back. If you’ve played more FIFA than you’d like to admit, however, you will be wanting to know how to turn the FIFA 20 Trainer off. It’s a little hidden in FIFA 20, but we’re here to help you out. If you are looking to turn the Trainer in FIFA 20 either on or off, this is the guide for you.

FIFA 20 Trainer | How to turn the Trainer off

FIFA 20 Trainer

As stated above, the Trainer is back in FIFA 20. This handy little feature is great for newcomers, as it gives you controls and information on how to play while you’re playing, at all times. If you play FIFA 20 regularly, however, you more than likely want to turn the Trainer off. If you don’t want to know how to play the game, it can be a little off-putting.

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The Trainer manifests itself as a small circle around your player’s feet, with controls appearing above his or her head. It can be useful for helping with the timing of your shots, but for the most part, it is a little distracting. Thankfully, turning it off is simple enough.

To turn the FIFA 20 Trainer off match-by-match, follow these steps:

  • Head into any match
  • Press pause
  • Open the Trainer option on the Pause Menu (a picture of a traffic cone)
  • Choose to turn Trainer off

Following these steps should ensure that it doesn’t return for that match. Annoyingly, it does appear in replays (useful to learn what you’ve done well or not so well, but irritating if you want to capture clean screenshots). Thankfully, you can turn it off during replays, too, with a press of the right stick. Simply head back into the Trainer settings if you wish to turn it on again.

To turn off the Trainer for good, you’ll need to do so before you play a match. In Kick Off, when you are choosing Sides (home or away), press Triangle (or the equivalent button on your controller of choice) to head into the “Customise Controls” screen. In here, simply toggle the FIFA Trainer option to Hide. This should hide it forever until you turn it back on again. Each user will need to do this, but the game should remember individual player settings for saved Kick Off Names.

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