True Crime: Hong Kong Picked Up by Square Enix

The future of United Front Games' True Crime: Hong Kong was in doubt for a while this year, as Activision canceled their plans to publish the game. The developers kept trucking along, however, and now Gamasutra reports that it looks like their hard work is still going to come to fruition.

Square Enix announced today that they've picked up the rights to the game and sound very enthusiastic about what they've seen of it. More interesting, however, is the fact that they have not picked up the rights to the series, making it very likely that the name and universe for the game will have to change. Square Enix London Studios general manager Lee Singleton said, "It's too early to say what the name will be" but that "I can honestly say I think this is going to be pretty straightforward." I have no idea what that means, but it will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg stated at the time of cancelation that "to be blunt, it just wasn't going to be good enough." So now, as gamers, we get to sit back and see which of these two companies is going to have egg on their face when the game's sales numbers come in. Someone get me some popcorn!


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