Baldur's Gate 3 Rewind Redo Undo Go Back a Turn

Baldur’s Gate 3 Rewind: Can I Go Back a Turn in Combat?

A Baldur’s Gate 3 rewind function is highly requested by players who want to be able to go back a turn in combat. The turn-based combat in BG3 can be difficult, especially if you’re on the deadlier Tactician difficulty, so it’s easy to make a mistake in the middle or end of a long combat. So having a button or keybind that will let players redo or undo an action would be useful, or at least something that people playing on the easiest Explorer difficulty would appreciate. Here’s whether you can rewind an action or turn in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Can you rewind a turn in Baldur’s Gate 3?

No, you cannot rewind or go back a turn in the game, at least at launch.

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However, Baldur’s Gate 3 is very generous with saves and autosaves. If you are about to head into a tough battle or a major encounter, the game will pause for a few seconds to autosave (so long as you have this option toggled on). So if there’s a particularly nasty turn, some obstacle you couldn’t get through, or some barrel that explodes dealing fire damage to your entire party, you have a backup save in case something goes wrong.

It’s also easy to hit the quicksave button (normally F5 on PC) if you happen to perceive a strange NPC in the background or some red dots on the map. There’s also an autoload button that makes it simple to redo an encounter. Maybe on the second try, you’ll be able to pass a skill check or get a bit luckier with your dice rolls.

There’s also a chance that your party members happen to be grouped up in the same initiative round. This will allow you not only to decide which member goes first, but to switch actions between them as well. For instance, you can move one character up to cast a spell, then have the other character perform a strike, and finally switch back to the original character to hide behind some cover. While this won’t let you go back a turn, it will give you some breathing room as far as tactics are concerned.

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