Baldur's Gate 3 Sturdy Medium Toughness Greater Toughness Break Door Wall Object

Baldur’s Gate 3 How to Break Sturdy, Medium Toughness, and Greater Toughness Walls, Doors, and Objects

In Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll find some doors, walls, and items that are labeled as being Sturdy, Medium Toughness, or Greater Toughness. You’ll quickly notice these are much harder to break down than their standard equivalents. Making things more complicated is these objects have strengths and weaknesses against some damage types. Fortunately, there are still ways to break through even the most sturdy walls, doors, and items, and we’ll detail how this system works in BG3 below.

How does Sturdiness and Toughness work in Baldur’s Gate 3?

So far, we’ve found three different levels of sturdiness in BG3:

  • Sturdy
  • Medium Toughness
  • Greater Toughness

If a cracked wall, door, chest, or trap has one of these properties, it’ll have a threshold you need to cross to do any damage. What makes this confusing is that each object has a different set of resistances that varies. So, not all Sturdy objects have the same weaknesses and strengths. As such, we’ve put examples below, but you’ll need to right-click and examine each of these you run across to see which damage type works best against it. Keep in mind that any that aren’t listed will still cause 1x damage.

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Sturdy Door

  • Damage Threshold: Attack must cause at least 10 HP to damage.
  • Weak Against (2x Damage):
    • Slashing
    • Fire
    • Force
  • Strong Against (1/2 Damage):
    • Piercing
    • Necrotic
    • Radiant
  • Immune To (No Damange):
    • Poison
    • Psychic

Medium Toughness Gate

  • Damage Threshold: Attack must cause at least 22 HP to damage.
  • Weak Against:
    • Acid
    • Bludgeoning
  • Strong Against:
    • Necrotic
    • Piercing
    • Radiant
  • Immune To:
    • Fire
    • Poison
    • Psychic

Greater Toughness Trap

  • Damage Threshold: Attack must cause at least 50 HP to damage.
  • Weak Against: None
  • Strong Against:
    • Force
    • Piercing
  • Immune To:
    • Acid
    • Cold
    • Fire
    • Lightning
    • Necrotic
    • Poison
    • Psychic
    • Radiant
    • Slashing

If you’re not causing damage to an object marked Sturdy, Medium Toughness, or Greater Toughness, you’re most likely not meeting the damage threshold. Even at higher levels, it can be hard to generate 50 HP of damage per attack. As such, it’s typically better to try and find any other way to open these passages when dealing with sturdy objects in Baldur’s Gate 3.

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