Saints Row 4

Saints Row 4 Cheats: Cheat Codes For XBOX 360 and How to Enter Them

Saints Row 4 cheats will let players avail any weapon they want, drive any vehicle they wish to, and complete missions in no time. The action-adventure game was released in 2013 and was developed by Volition.

Here’s a Saints Row 4 cheats list and how to enter and activate cheat codes in the game.

Saints Row 4 cheats list for XBOX 360

Here’s every Saints Row 4 cheat code for XBOX 360:

  • unlockitall –  Unlocks everything
  • cheese – Pays instant cash ($100,000)
  • letsrock – All weapons unlocked 
  • vroom – No vehicle damage
  • repaircar – Repairs vehicle
  • goodygoody – Eliminates Notoriety 
  • runfast – Unlimited sprinting
  • bigheadmode – Big Head Mode
  • evilcars – Evil cars
  • fastforward – Time passes fast
  • goldengun – One hit kills
  • fryhole – Floating corpses
  • insanecity – Insane city
  • notrated – Kills can produce blood explosions
  • isquishyou – Vehicles crumple
  • overcast – Cloudy weather
  • lightrain – Rains lightly
  • heavyrain – Rains heavily
  • clearskies – Clear skies
  • brains – Makes a lot of zombies spawn and try to kill you

How to enter and activate Saints Row 4 cheats

To enter and activate Saints Row 4 cheat codes, you must go to the Hub, where you can activate the cheat code you wish to use.

To activate the cheats, follow these steps:

  1. Make your way to the Hub.
  2. Select Extras from the menu.
  3. Click the option for Cheats.
  4. Add the cheat code you wish to activate.
  5. The code will function as soon as you enter it.

Saints Row 4 cheats explained

Saints Row 4 is a complex strategy game that requires you to go through a series of missions. Cheat codes can help players out with these and save time. However, using cheats will disable all achievements and trophies for players.

The game’s description is as follows:

“Unlike the first three games in the franchise, Saints Row 4 does not center around the main character defeating three rival gangs in order to take over a city. The Saints have now become a household name, and their leader has become the president of the United States. The antagonists in Saints Row 4 are an invading alien race known as the Zin. Most of the game takes place within a computer simulation of the city of Steelport controlled by the Zin, where the protagonist is attempting to free himself and his companions.

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