The Fight: Lights Out Preview Party With Danny Trejo

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

As part of Sony's continuing agenda to show the world that the PS Move can do anything a Wii can do, except 10 times better and with much more accuracy than a Wii-mote, they've decided to throw their hat into the ring, so to speak, with a boxing game of their own that makes your little Wii-boxing Mii look like the little pussy bitch that he is. The Fight: Lights Out is the fight club of virtual beatings. It's a chance for you and your friends to throw down without having to explain to your boss why you've got a black eye and are missing a couple of teeth. Fortunately, unlike Fight Club, we are allowed to talk about it.

We headed out to SF's very own Club Mighty to throwdown in the virtual ring, talk to the game's developers and even get some time with The Fight: Lights Out in-game manager, Danny Trejo. Most of you probably know him as a swift blade of Mexican justice, Machete, but back in the day this Hollywood tough guy was the real deal, winning lightweight and welterweight prison titles while serving time at San Quentin. If you know SQ, you'd know it's one tough ass prison, but he's such a nice guy, you'd never even guess that he'd done hard time after meeting him.

We talked with Danny about what it was like working on TF:LO and when we can expect to see Machete return to the big screen. You might be surprised by his answers.


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