The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64 Cheats

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


The following are noteworthy secrets that you might have missed. These are

clues that we find particularly helpful or interesting. Please understand that

we need to be pretty selective with what goes on this page. Most of these are

also found in our comprehensive FAQ/walkthrough, which can be found here.

Capture fairies:

In case you haven’t figured it out, play the Zelda lullaby in front of a time

stone. A fairy will fly out, and you can capture it in in empty bottle for later

use. In fact, you can capture lots of things in the empty bottles.

Infinite Bottles:

Take an empty bottle, go to capture something, then press start immediately.

Change from the bottle to any other item, then return to the game. That item

becomes a bottle! Don’t do this to any items you still need, but try the Claim

check after you’ve gotten the sword, or the beans after you’ve planted them

all. Very useful. Note: This is a very difficult trick and takes patience.

Get Biggoron’s Sword:

This will take you a while, but it is well worth it.

1: As Adult Link go to Kakariko Village and talk to the woman next to the

cuccos pen (the one you helped as Young Link to find her cuccos). She will give

you a Pocket Egg take it and in a day it will hatch (you can use the Sun Song).

After that take the Pocket Cucco that you now have to the house by the steps

near the entrance to Kakariko Village. Talon will be sleeping there – use the

Pocket Cucco to wake him, then go back to the woman. She will take the cucco

back and give you Cojiro, her brother’s blue Cucco.

2: Now leave Kakariko Village and call Epona and ride her to Kokiri Forest (don’t

walk) then go into the Lost Woods. Go left and her brother will be sitting by

a stump. Use Cojiro to get his attention. He should then give you an Odd Mushroom

to take to his grandmother in Kakariko Village. You only have 3 minutes, so

be quick!

3: Hurry out of the Lost Woods and out of Kokiri Forest. Hop on Epona and ride

back to Kakariko Village then go up the steps to the left and into the Potion

Shop. Go out the back door of the Potion Shop and into the house behind the

shop. The grandmother is in there – show her the Odd Mushroom and she will give

you an Odd Potion.

4: Now go back to Kokiri Forest and into the Lost Woods. Go left again and there

will be a Kokiri Girl in the brother’s place. Show her the Odd Potion and she

will demand it back. Give it to her, then she will give you the Poacher’s Saw.

5: Now leave Kokiri Forest and ride Epona to Gerudo Valley and give the Poacher’s

Saw to the carpenter by Gerudo Valley. He will then give you Broken Gorons Sword.

6: Now take the Broken Gorons Sword up to the top of Death Mountain and give

it to Biggoron. He will repair it, but you have to get him Eye Drops first –

he will give you a Prescription for them.

7: Now ride Epona to Zora’s Domain and show the Prescription to King Zora. He

won’t have the drops, but will give you an Eyeball Frog.

8: Now ride Epona to Lake Hylia and give the Eyeball Frog to the professor.

You only have 3 minutes again, so don’t delay! He will make the Eye Drops.

9: Now quickly ride Epona back to Death Mountain (you have 4 minutes this time

– REALLY hard.) and give the Eye Drops to Biggoron. He will then give you a

Claim Check for the sword.

10: Now keep playing the Sun Song until about three days have passed, then take

the Claim Check back to Biggoron. He will then give you Biggorons Sword! Finally!

Biggorons Sword is twice as powerful as the Master Sword, but you need to hold

it with both hands so you can’t use the shield.

Ocarina Jingles:

Besides using the Ocarina for songs Link is supposed to play in the game, use

the following directions to play useless, but fun songs.

Theme from The Simpsons 
C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up, Analog-stick Down + C-Up, Analog-stick Down + C-Left, 
C-Down, A, [Z + Analog-stick Down + A] three times, Analog-stick Down + A.

Theme from Jurassic Park 
C-Up, Z + C-Up, C-Right, Down + C-Right, C-Up, Z + C-Up, C-Up, C-Right, 
Analog-stick Down + C-Right, C-Up, [Z + C-Up] two times, C-Up, C-Right, A, 
Analog-stick Down + C-Up.

Theme from Titanic 
[C-Down, Z + C-Down] four times, [C-Down, Z + C-Down] two times, C-Down, 
Up + C-Down, C-Right, Up + C-Down, C-Down four times, Z + C-Down, C-Down two times, 
Analog-stick Down + A.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 
[Analog-stick Down + A] two times, [Analog-stick Down + C-Right] two times, 
[C-Right, Analog-stick Down + C-Right] two times, C-Down two times, 
[Z + C-Down] two times, A two times, Down + A, [Down + C-Right] two times, 
C-Right two times, Down + C-Right, C-Down two times, [Z + C-Down] two times, 
A two times, Analog-stick Down + A.


Gold Rupee Locations:

1. Outside of Goron City, you will see a ring of stones. Play the Song of Storms

inside of the ring, and a grotto will open. Open the chest and get a rupee.

2. Inside of Goron City, you will notice an area of lava. To cross it, use

the Longshot, or play the Song of Time twice to make blocks appear. Once across,

a Gold Rupee can be found.

3. Go to Kakariko Village, and stand by the tree that’s near the entrance.

Take 20 paces east of the tree. If you have the Stone of Agony, you will feel

a shake. Place a bomb on the ground. Once the grotto opens, kill the zombies

and claim your prize.

4. Inside of Death Mountain Crater, you will eventually find a time block to

step on. This block makes a chest appear. If you can get to it in time, you’ve

found another rupee.

5. If you manage to get all 100 Gold Skulltula, go back to the House of Skulltula

to receive your reward.

6. You need the Gold Gauntlets in order to get this rupee. In Goron City go

to the room where all the boulders are. Go to the left and start picking up

the stones and throwing them until you get to a treasure chest. The Gold rupee

is inside.

Sinking lure:

You can get a Sinking Lure at the Fishing Pond. It will make your bait sink,

making it much easier to catch the big suckers at the bottom of the Pond. You

can’t actually see the lure, but it generally appears on the big log in the

middle of the pond. If it’s not there, try looking where the river empties into

the pond, the hole in the wall where the stream comes from, in the lillypads,

or in the stones near the stream.

Getting by the Guard:

In the beginning of the game, to get by the boy to get to the Deku Tree, you

must find the sword and the shield. You can buy the shield at the store by picking

up coins along the way, but you must find the sword in the tunnel, a little

left of the cave.

Heal the signs:

If you chop up a sign and want to ‘heal’ it, play Zelda’s lullaby and watch

as the pieces float back together.

Get a Fairy:

To get a fairy just go up to a gossip stone and play Zelda’s lullaby.

Get a Red Fairy:

To get a red fairy (which restores both health and magic) go to a gossip stone

and wait until Navi turns green, when she play the Song of Storms. Another way

to get a red fairy is to find a butterfly and take out a Deku Stick when the

butterfly lands on it BINGO!

Turn butterflies into fairies:

Take out a Deku stick when you’re near a butterfly. If the butterfly lands on

the stick, it will turn into a fairy.

Crazy Chickens:

Attack a chicken repeatedly with your sword and it will call for backup. Soon,

tons of chickens will flap around on screen, protecting their friend. Simply

leave the room or area to stop the chicken attack.

Rupees from Bugs:

A bug in a bottle will multiply when it is released. To get rupees, free the

bug and catch the many bugs that flee, then sell the things to the bug buyer

at the Market or Kakariko Village.

Castle Pictures:

Go to the castle where Zelda is met for the first time. Look at the windows

as you enter. Pictures of Yoshi, Princess Toadstool, Mario, Bowser and Luigi

can be seen. Throw something into the window with Mario to receive 20 rupees.

Throwing something into the other window will result in a lit bomb being thrown

back at Link.

Link Pics:

Right when you start the game, or if you go back to Link’s house, look at the

moss growing on the root of the tree to the left of the ladder (looking from

the ground, not the porch). It is of adult Link fighting Ganon!

The Mask of Truth (Young Link only):

1. Go to Happy Mask shop and borrow the Keaton Mask. Sell it to the guard that

lets you on the Death Mountain Trail in Kakariko Village (You need to talk to

him while wearing it).

2. Go to the Happy Mask Shop and get the Skull Mask. Go left in the Lost Woods

and play Saria’s Song on the stump. Put on the Skull Mask and talk to the Skull

Kid. He’ll rip you off, but oh well.

3. Go to the Happy Mask Shop and get the Spooky Mask. Put it on and talk to the kid in the graveyard. He’ll pay full price.

4. Go to the Happy Mask Shop and get the Bunny Hood. Go into Hyrule Field

and make sure it’s night. (The Stalchildren won’t attack you if you wear the

Bunny Hood.) Walk around the trail running along Lon Lon Ranch. You should see

a guy jogging there. Make sure you’re wearing the mask and talk to him. He’ll

buy the mask off you for 200 Rupees!

5. Return to the Happy Mask Shop and retrieve the Mask of Truth! The Mask

of Truth allows you to talk to the gossip stones. There is also a Goron Mask,

a Gerudo Mask, and a Zora Mask. (You can’t sell these masks!).

Free Milk From Cows:

Find a cow and use your ocarina to play Epona’s Song. If you have a bottle empty

he will give you a free bottle of milk!

To Destroy Magic Beans:

As an adult go to a full grown bean plant and summon Epona. When she comes climb

on her and run over the bean. It will explode. Then a new one will grow back.

Invisible Queen Gohma:

Queen Gohma is the boss to the Great Deku Tree. When she starts to climb up

the wall, Z-target on her and throw a Deku Nut at her. She will get stunned

and climb to the top of the palace. Then she will dissapear. WARNING: IF YOU



Hidden Pictures:

Go to where Zelda is met for the first time. Then, look into the window on his

left, as you enter. Pictures of Yoshi, Princess Toadstool, Mario, Bowser and

Luigi can now be seen. Look from different angles to see them all. Throw something

into the window with Mario to receive 20 rupees. Throwing something into the

other window will result in a lit bomb being thrown back at Link.

Give Link Two Shields:

You can do this with young Link only! First get out the Deku shield, then hold

R. Pause the game, then equip the Hylian shield (keep holding R). Now look!

He will be holding one shield and the other will be on his back! (if you let

go of R he will have the shield you want on him) You can do it vice versa too!

GameShark Codes

Attention - Zelda GameShark codes are a mess. Different codes work with different versions 
of the game. We're not even going to try posting them here, as they'll 
just confuse you. Rather, you'll have to go to the Official GameShark site.

Good Luck!



Thanks to Revolution readers Andrew Weissman, Marty Green, Sébastien Hébert,

Ian McW., Troy, Shocker, J.Labelle, Sloppy Link, Devin, Ismael Gonzales, Todd

Siculan, James Wagner, Devin Ross, KAKKIROT, Justin, KJHockey, David LaCour,

Blink, Pikajinn, Rapman316, Patrick Smiley, Jared Farris, John Crosson, §unny

Boy, John Pelech, duracell, Gordon Wilson, Ryan Hall, Michael, Jeff, Michael

Finnimore, Tanner and Chris!

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